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Which Digestive Conditions Are Covered by Disability Benefits?

Which Digestive Conditions Are Covered by Disability Benefits?

Certain digestive conditions can make working a full-time or part-time job difficult. In severe cases, certain digestive conditions can significantly interfere with job performance. When this happens, you might be eligible for disability benefits to replace lost income. Feel free to talk to a Wilmington disability lawyer to learn more. DIGESTIVE CONDITIONS ELIGIBLE FOR DISABILITY BENEFITS The Social Security Administration (SSA) lists medical conditions and disabilities in its Blue Book listings of impairments. Digestive conditions are one of the categories in the Blue Book. If your digestive disorder is listed in the Blue Book, then your chances of qualifying for disability benefits...

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What To Do After a Truck Accident

What To Do After a Truck Accident

Important steps taken after a truck accident have the potential to maximize the compensation that can help you cover the resulting expenses. You may not have to settle for less compensation either. If the other driver was at fault for the accident, then you might be able to secure additional compensation. Talk to a Wilmington car accident attorney to learn more. STEPS TO TAKE AFTER A TRUCK ACCIDENT The aftermath of a truck accident can be chaotic and often makes it difficult to know what steps to take. Knowing the most important steps you can take following a truck accident to take...

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Are Disability Benefits Offered for Disabilities that Come and Go?

Are Disability Benefits Offered for Disabilities that Come and Go?

Many people have disabilities that do not stay consistently severe all the time. This leaves people wondering if they can still qualify for disability benefits if their disability symptoms come and go. The answer depends on the type of disability, severity of symptom flare-ups, and longevity of the disability. You can also ask a Wilmington disability attorney about your options. OPTIONS FOR OFF AND ON DISABILITIES There are several types of disability benefits programs out there. These programs are designed to replace lost income as a result of reduced work hours caused by the disability. The two types of disability benefits...

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Most Common Prescribing Errors to Watch Out For

Most Common Prescribing Errors to Watch Out For

Prescribing errors happen when a medical professional makes a mistake during the process of providing medication to a patient. The results range from mild side effects to death from an overdose. All it takes is one minor prescribing error to result in harm to a patient. Consider talking to a Wilmington medical malpractice lawyer if you suffered harm from a medication. TYPES OF PRESCRIBING ERRORS There are several types of prescribing errors that can be committed by doctors, nurses, or pharmacists. The process of prescribing medications involves multiple steps and factors that can go wrong at any point. One minor error can...

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Can Migraines Qualify Me for Disability Benefits?

Can Migraines Qualify Me for Disability Benefits?

Migraines can make concentrating on anything almost impossible. When migraines strike for several weeks back-to-back, many people can find working a full-time job difficult. Instead of taking multiple days off work and losing income, you may qualify for disability benefits that can replace lost income. Talk to a Wilmington disability lawyer to find out if you might be eligible for disability benefits. ARE MIGRAINES LISTED AS A DISABILITY? The Social Security Administration (SSA) supplies disability benefits for those who cannot work a full-time job due to a disability. Disabilities that may qualify for benefits are listed in the SSA Blue Book online....

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Top Causes of Distracted Driving

Top Causes of Distracted Driving

Not everyone realizes how much distracted driving can impact driving abilities. Smartphones are not the only type of driving distraction. Being aware of how distractions cause car accidents might help you avoid accidents in the future. If you were in a distracted driving accident, then consider asking a Wilmington car accident lawyer for help. CAUSES OF DISTRACTED DRIVING Several things happen in the brain while driving because driving is an activity that requires multi-tasking. A driver has to maintain the right speed limit, adapt to changes on the road, stay in the correct lane, brake when needed, and check mirrors or blind...

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Which Skin Disorders Qualify for Disability Benefits?

Which Skin Disorders Qualify for Disability Benefits?

Certain skin disorders can make life difficult to manage, let alone working a full-time job. This leaves many people wondering if they could qualify for disability benefits with a skin disorder. Finding out which skin disorders could qualify for disability benefits may help you decide whether you might be eligible for this type of financial assistance. An experienced Wilmington disability attorney can help you start this process. SKIN DISORDERS COVERED BY DISABILITY BENEFITS Only certain types of skin disorders are covered by disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA). The following skin disorders covered by disability benefits are listed in the...

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Prevalence and Causes of Pregnancy Related Deaths

Prevalence and Causes of Pregnancy Related Deaths

Losing a loved one to a pregnancy-related medical complication can be heartbreaking. Multiple causes can play into these types of losses. If medical malpractice was involved, then certain family members might be able to file a lawsuit. This can help compensate for medical costs, emotional distress, and other damages. If you think malpractice may have played a role, then reach out to a Wilmington medical malpractice lawyer for help. HOW COMMON ARE PREGNANCY-RELATED DEATHS? The prevalence of pregnancy-related deaths is more common than many people might think. In the year 2017 alone, around 295,000 deaths were related to pregnancy medical complications. Most...

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What Are the Evidentiary Requirements for Disability Benefits?

What Are the Evidentiary Requirements for Disability Benefits?

Applying for disability benefits can be a tedious process with all the evidentiary requirements involved. Breaking down what these evidentiary requirements are can help simplify this process. So can learning about the types of evidence the Social Security Administration (SSA) considers when determining who is eligible for benefits. You can also reach out to a Wilmington disability lawyer for guidance. DISABILITY BENEFITS EVIDENTIARY REQUIREMENTS Disability benefits evidentiary requirements are crucial for any disability benefits application. The vast majority of disability benefits applications are denied due to a lack of evidence or missing documentation. In other words, the more evidence and information you...

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Can I Speed Up My Disability Claim?

Can I Speed Up My Disability Claim?

Financial stress can hit when your disability starts preventing you from working. This can be scary for many people who have multiple bills and other financial responsibilities. Disability benefits are available in some cases, but the frustrating aspect is how long the process for filing for and receiving benefits can take. Talk to a Wilmington disability lawyer about ways you can speed this process up. FAST-TRACK OPTIONS FOR DISABILITY BENEFITS There are two fast-track disability benefits options available through the Social Security Administration (SSA). Quick Disability Determinations screens people who have the highest chances of receiving disability benefits when they are submitting...

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