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How Wrongful Death Actions Work in Delaware

How Wrongful Death Actions Work in Delaware

Nothing rattles a family more than the sudden and unexpected death of a loved one. In addition to the many personal connections that victims maintained with family members, certain deaths also create numerous financial hardships for entire families. In such cases, certain family members may file wrongful death lawsuits against the negligent party responsible for a loved one's death. A wrongful death suit is, in effect, the personal injury action the victim would have filed had he or she survived his or her accident. Many families are not immediately concerned with taking legal action, but it is essential to understand that Delaware...

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Accidents Causing Burn Injuries in Delaware

burn injury

While many people focus on the physical effects of most injuries, it is also important to keep in mind the multitude of emotional consequences that can result from certain injuries. Burn injuries not only involve immense physical pain for victims, but they also include some intense and long-lasting psychological trauma. People who have suffered severe burns can end up with their faces or other parts of their bodies being completely deformed. The pain of the event that caused these injuries is often profound. Did you or your loved one suffer serious burn injuries in an accident caused by another party's negligence in...

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How Premises Liability Works in Delaware

How Premises Liability Works in Delaware

The phrase premises liability refers to a property owner's legal responsibility for injuries caused by dangerous conditions on his or her property. The most common kind of premises liability claim is the “slip and fall” accident, but many other types of incidents can result in premises liability actions, including fires, explosions, or swimming pool accidents. Even when a property owner's negligence seems clear-cut, the negligent party's insurance company will often claim that a victim was the person responsible for his or her injuries. To minimize or outright deny liability, the insurer will argue that an accident occurred strictly because of the...

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What To Do When You Suspect Nursing Home Abuse in Delaware

What To Do When You Suspect Nursing Home Abuse in Delaware

For many Delaware families, the decision to place an elderly relative in the care of an assisted-living facility is an agonizing decision that involves numerous challenges. When a family finally commits to finding a nursing home, there is typically a lot of investigatory legwork into how much a facility can be trusted. Despite this, nursing home abuse can happen. Even after all of this work, it is not uncommon for elderly residents to become the victims of neglect or outright abuse at the hands of nursing home staff. Some cases involve serious injuries, others involve financial exploitation, and some may result...

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Get Help After Delaware Car Accident

Tips For Injury Vehicle Collisions In Delaware

The immediate aftermath of a serious car crash is an extremely stressful and confusing time for victims who have suffered severe injuries. Long before any potential healing seems to have begun, victims may be pressured by insurance companies for negligent drivers to accept settlement offers that may or may not be enough to provide for a lifetime of new and expensive needs. You do not have to handle your accident case all by yourself. When you contact Edelstein Martin & Nelson, LLP, you will have somebody by your side ready to help you recover all of the compensation you are entitled...

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How Wrongful Death Claims Work in Delaware

How Wrongful Death Claims Work in Delaware

If a person is killed by the negligence or deliberate acts of another person in Delaware, it is commonly referred to as a wrongful death. When another party's wrongful act kills an individual, certain family members can be entitled to damages. Many families are far too overwhelmed with grief to even consider legal action following the death of a loved one. It remains crucial, however, for such families to quickly seek legal representation because Delaware state law only allows people a limited amount of time to take legal action. If your loved one was recently killed by the wrongful act of another...

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Be Careful After Car Accident in Delaware

Car accident lawyer

Most every automobile accident is a fairly jarring experience. People can frequently be extremely confused about what they should do in the immediate aftermath of a crash. In most cases, victims will receive medical care. At some point, the same people will contact their insurance companies to notify them about the crashes. Delaware requires all motorists to maintain automobile insurance policies that satisfy certain minimums, including personal injury protection (PIP) or “no-fault” coverage. While PIP coverage is intended to compensate people regardless of fault, insurance companies will frequently find reasons to contest these claims and reduce or completely deny payouts. Delaware Car Accident...

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What To Do After an Accident with an Uninsured Driver

delaware car accident lawyer

The Delaware Division of Motor Vehicles states that all vehicles registered in the state must have the minimum liability insurance coverage limits of $25,000 for bodily injury to one person in an accident, $50,000 for physical harm to two or more persons in a single accident, and $10,000 for property damage. Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage is typically offered but is not mandatory. Accidents involving uninsured or underinsured drivers can quickly become very complicated for most people. Even individuals who have uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage can encounter problems dealing with their own insurance companies. In such cases, you should quickly contact...

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When a Motor Vehicle Accident Leads to a Wrongful Death Case

Car accident lawyer

We all know deliberately violent or negligent behavior is the most common causes of a wrongful death but most people do not normally think about this when it comes to losing a loved one in a motor vehicle accident. Perhaps this is because the word accident almost automatically implies a sort of no-fault context, save for the most obvious cases such as an accident caused by an impaired motorist. In any event, some form of negligence is almost always involved in every type of car accident, and ones that result in death should be looked at with an emphasis on...

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Your Rights as the Victim of a Drunk Driver

DWI's in Delaware

Of all serious motor vehicle accidents, the ones that could have been easily avoided are always the most difficult to cope with. When someone exhibits extraordinary negligence, they must be held accountable for their actions. This is particularly true when it comes to a person who has chosen to operate a motor vehicle while intoxicated. There are so many options available to the public to avoid driving under the influence that when a drunk driver causes a serious accident, there is absolutely no plausible excuse. Avoid Driving While Intoxicated  First, we will quickly focus on the vast number of ways people avoid...

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