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How to Prevent Insurance Companies from Denying Your Long-Term Disability Benefits

Prevent Insurance Companies from Denying Your Long-Term Disability Benefits

The last thing you want to deal with after going through the tedious application process is a denied disability claim. Not knowing the exact reason why can make this harder. An experienced Delaware disability lawyer might be able to help. With the right guidance, you can resubmit your claim with the right evidence. If your claim is still denied, talk to a Wilmington disability attorney about how to file an appeal. WHAT ARE LONG-TERM DISABILITY BENEFITS? There are two main types of disability insurance you can apply for with an insurance company. These consist of short-term disability insurance and long-term disability insurance....

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What Are the Economic Damages in a Personal Injury Claim?

What Are the Economic Damages in My Personal Injury Claim?

Economic damages represent the financial losses you suffered at the hands of someone else. Whether you suffered injuries from a car accident, workplace incident, slip and fall, medical malpractice, or defective product you can sue for damages if negligence was involved. The hard part is proving negligence. Proving damages for a Delaware personal injury claim is often less difficult with the right guidance. Talk to a Wilmington personal injury lawyer if you have any questions about how to do this. ADDING UP YOUR ECONOMIC DAMAGES Unlike other types of damages, personal injury economic damages are straightforward. Economic damages can be easily proven...

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Top Dangers of Rollover Car Accidents

Top Dangers of Rollover Car Accidents

Rollover car accidents are abrupt, violent, and often dangerous. These might represent some of the most dangerous car accidents next to accidents involving 18-wheelers. Survivors often experience severe injuries that can take months to heal from with some injury symptoms lasting lifelong. If you suffered major injuries from a Delaware car accident, do not hesitate to ask a Wilmington car accident attorney for help. ROLLOVER CAR ACCIDENT HAZARDS There are various things that can go wrong during a rollover car accident. Most causes of rollover accidents involve unlevel roads, speeding on curves, and drivers overcompensating the steering wheel. Turning the steering wheel...

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How to File Your ERISA Disability Benefits Claim

How to File Your ERISA Disability Benefits Claim

Going through the ERISA claims process can be tedious enough but dealing with a rejected ERISA claim is frustrating. When you need financial help because of your disability, you often need the benefits sooner than later. Dealing with a dispute with your claim is the last thing you want. There are steps you can take to increase your chances the first time. Talk to a Delaware ERISA lawyer if your claim was wrongfully denied. HOW TO FILE YOUR ERISA CLAIM IN DELAWARE When it comes to filing an ERISA claim, the steps mostly fall on your employer. Under ERISA laws, your employer...

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Class Action Versus Mass Tort Lawsuits

Class Action Versus Mass Tort Lawsuits

All the legal jargon about mass tort claims and class action lawsuits can make them sound the same. This could not be farther from the truth. Class action lawsuits come with different benefits compared to mass tort claims. Some lawsuits do not offer the same opportunities as others. Knowing the key differences is vital for helping you choose the best option for you. You can also talk to a Delaware mass tort lawyer if you have any questions. WHAT IS A CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT? A class-action lawsuit is a lawsuit that is filed when multiple lawsuits are combined into one lawsuit. This...

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Top Things You Should Know About Disability Claim Denial

Top Things You Should Know About Disability Claim Denial

Disability claim denials are not what anyone looks forward to. The last thing you need when you are encountering a financial crisis is more bad news. There are ways you can overcome this and increase your chances of having your disability claim accepted. However, not everyone realizes how long some of the wait times can be for this process. Feel free to talk to a Delaware disability attorney if you have questions. STEPS TO TAKE AFTER YOUR DISABILITY CLAIM IS DENIED When it comes to disability claim reviews, this process is rigorous and looks carefully for mistakes and evidence. There are several...

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What Evidence Should I Collect After a Car Accident?

What Evidence Should I Collect After a Car Accident?

Surviving a car accident is a major ordeal to go through. The next hardest step is filing a car accident claim. Due to the rigorous nature of insurance company investigations of these claims, not everyone receives compensation right away. However, the more evidence you collect right away, the faster your claim is likely to be accepted. Consider asking a Delaware car accident lawyer for help if your claim was rejected. MOST IMPORTANT CAR ACCIDENT EVIDENCE Some of the most important car accident evidence you can collect is by your smartphone. If your phone still works after the accident, take advantage of your...

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Were You Harmed by a Medical Device or Medication?

Were You Harmed by a Medical Device or Medication?

Most people do not expect to be injured by a medical device or medication. The medical field is a highly trusted source of care. When something goes wrong, people are often shocked. To take legal action, you need to know what caused your injuries. If your doctor did, you would file a medical malpractice claim. However, you may need to file a mass tort claim if a medical device or medication caused your injuries. Talk to a Wilmington mass tort lawyer if this happened to you. WHAT IS A MASS TORT LAWSUIT? Unlike malpractice or product liability, a mass tort lawsuit involves multiple...

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Risks and Benefits of Disability Lump-Sum Buyouts

At some point, you might be offered a lump sum buyout for your disability. Whether this is through your job’s retirement plan or your disability benefits insurance company, the decision you make is vital. This decision comes down to choosing between the lump sum and a disability benefits program. There are risks and benefits for both choices. Consider asking a Delaware disability lawyer for help if you are not sure which one to choose. WHAT ARE LUMP-SUM BUYOUTS? A lump-sum buyout is a large sum of money that is offered to someone, all at once. The catch is you may have to...

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What is a Mass Tort Lawsuit?

What is a Mass Tort Lawsuit?

A mass tort lawsuit involves not just one but groups of people filing lawsuits against the same negligent organization. This means that if you suffered injuries from a negligent company, you could be part of a massive lawsuit. What this might mean for you is significant compensation for your injuries and any other damages you suffered. If you think a mass tort claim fits your case, then consider talking to a Delaware mass tort attorney. BASICS OF A MASS TORT LAWSUIT A mass tort lawsuit is filed for similar reasons to a personal injury lawsuit. Someone is injured by the negligent actions or...

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