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Can Arbitration Be Used for ERISA Claims?

Can Arbitration Be Used for ERISA Claims?

Arbitration is often used to maintain secrecy and save time compared to a lengthy trial. However, when it comes to using arbitration to settle ERISA claims, things become quickly complicated. There are a lot of legal factors that can change whether an ERISA claim can be handled with arbitration or not. Talking with a Delaware ERISA lawyer can help you figure out what your legal options are when you are faced with a breach of your ERISA rights by your employer.  BENEFITS AND COSTS OF ARBITRATION Arbitration in Delaware is a legal alternative to filing a lawsuit through the courts. This method, like mediation, can...

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Most Common Types of Bone Fractures After a Car Accident

Most Common Types of Bone Fractures After a Car Accident

Several different types of bone fractures can happen after an unexpected car accident. Recognizing the different types of bone fractures can help you figure out the severity and what types of first aid should or should not be applied until paramedics arrive at the scene of the accident. Taking certain actions with certain types of fractures can worsen the damage and cause significant pain. If your auto accident was caused by a negligent driver, then be sure to contact a Delaware personal injury lawyer to find out your eligibility for compensation.  TYPES OF BONE FRACTURES There are seven main types of bone fractures that can happen after...

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When Should I Hire a Long-Term Disability Lawyer?

When Should I Hire a Long-Term Disability Lawyer?

Deciding whether you should hire a long-term disability insurance lawyer during the application process or after your ERISA or non-ERISA disability benefits have been denied can be difficult. For one, hiring a disability lawyer could increase your chances of receiving the benefits you need, but at the same time, lawyers are not free. In this situation, sometimes your only option is to weigh the costs and benefits. If the costs of not hiring a Delaware disability benefits lawyer are higher than the benefits, then your decision becomes a little easier.  DISABILITY BENEFITS APPLICATION CHALLENGES One reason that can prompt people to consider hiring a disability...

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Can I Receive Benefits for Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health Under ERISA?

Can I Receive Benefits for Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health Under ERISA?

Struggling with a substance use disorder or mental disorder is not easy for anyone to go through. Despite seeking treatment, you may find yourself on an uphill battle with significant distress, pain, and exhaustion. Almost any mental disorder can start affecting your ability to work for an income when the symptoms are severe enough. Knowing your rights to disability benefits under ERISA is vital for ensuring you receive the help you need to manage your finances. Talk to a Delaware disability lawyer if you have questions or have been denied disability benefits. DISABILITY BENEFITS FOR MENTAL DISORDERS Figuring out whether you might...

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Hardships Faced with Spinal Cord Injuries After a Car Accident

Hardships Faced with Spinal Cord Injuries After a Car Accident

Violent car accidents increase the risk of spinal cord injuries significantly. Being able to recognize common signs of a spinal cord injury might prevent you from worsening this type of injury. What makes spinal cord injuries stand apart from other injuries is the fragile nature of them. One wrong type of movement with a spinal cord injury could lead to further damage with worse outcomes. If your spinal cord injury was caused by a negligent driver, then consider talking to a Delaware personal injury attorney to find out your options for compensation. COMMON SIGNS OF A SPINAL CORD INJURY Back pain is one sign you would...

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What Does ERISA Mean for Disability Insurance?

What Does ERISA Mean for Disability Insurance?

ERISA stands for the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, a federal law established in 1974 that set minimum standards for retirement and health plans for workers across America. The rules created by this act can affect your disability insurance plans in different ways. Knowing what ERISA is and how this may impact your disability benefits can help you better plan your financial future. Whether your disability was caused by a personal injury or medical condition, you can talk with one of our Delaware disability insurance lawyers to learn more.  BASICS OF ERISA ERISA helps regulate employer plans for retirement and health benefits for people who can no...

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What Are My Options After Suffering the Effects of a Medication Error?

What Are My Options After Suffering the Effects of a Medication Error?

All it takes is one simple medication error to cause you significant injuries with adverse side effects. Surviving a medication error may leave you feeling distrustful towards the pharmacist, drug company, or doctor who prescribed you the medicine. You may have had to pay expensive medical bills for the injuries you sustained, not to mention the money you paid for the defective medication itself.  Depending on how this happened, you might be able to receive compensation through a medical malpractice claim. An experienced Delaware medical malpractice attorney can help you with this. COMMON TYPES OF MEDICATION ERRORS There are several ways a medication error can happen. This...

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Signs of a Traumatic Brain Injury After a Car Accident

Signs of a Traumatic Brain Injury After a Car Accident

You have likely heard all about concussions and disorientations that can be caused after a car accident, but traumatic brain injuries are far more serious and some can lead to death if not treated in a timely manner. Recognizing the primary signs and symptoms of TBIs is vital for receiving proper medical attention. Some TBI symptoms go unnoticed until symptoms worsen because of the variety of effects a TBI can cause. If your accident was caused by the negligent actions of another driver, then consider asking a Delaware car accident lawyer for guidance on your claim.  TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY SYMPTOMS Traumatic brain injuries...

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What Legal Steps Should I Take After a Car Accident?

What Legal Steps Should I Take After a Car Accident?

If you have just been in a car accident, you might be wondering what you should do and how you can obtain compensation for the damages you suffered. Going through a violent experience like this can be difficult to manage for almost anyone. Knowing the rights steps to take after a car accident can help ease the uncertainty of what actions to take afterward. Taking certain actions and not taking other actions could potentially prevent you from receiving compensation. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to a Delaware personal injury lawyer for answers.  INITIAL STEPS AFTER A CAR ACCIDENT The initial steps...

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Do Birth Injuries Count as Medical Malpractice?

Do Birth Injuries Count as Medical Malpractice?

Finding out your baby sustained injuries during your birth is a difficult realization to face. You may wonder who was at fault for this. The unfortunate reality is that many birth injuries are caused by medical staff during procedures and methods improperly carried out during the delivery process. Proving this type of medical malpractice can be difficult on your end because focusing on doctor mistakes during your delivery is close to impossible with all the pain and everything happening at once. Consider talking to a Delaware medical malpractice lawyer to figure out what steps you can take in this situation. MOST COMMON TYPES OF BIRTH...

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