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How Long Do Personal Injury Lawsuits Take?

How Long Do Personal Injury Lawsuits Take?

Recovering from the aftermath of an unexpected car accident can be overwhelming for almost anyone. With all the paperwork, evidence, and legal processes involved with personal injury claims and lawsuits, many people wonder how long it will be until they are properly compensated. The truth is, the time it takes can be hard to predict. A lawyer may be able to give you an estimate if enough information is discussed.   Handling all of the legal work alone on top of recovering from personal injuries can be challenging. Consider seeking guidance from an experienced Delaware personal injury lawyer to ensure you obtain the compensation you need...

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No-Fault Car Accident Insurance in Delaware

No-Fault Car Accident Insurance in Delaware

Different states enforce different types of auto insurance. Delaware is a state that uses no-fault auto insurance as a way of compensating both parties despite who was at fault for the car accident. This can help people involved in an accident recover financially from personal injury costs, vehicle repairs, and related expenses. However, in some cases, this coverage may not be enough to cover all your losses after the accident. Consider contacting a Delaware car accident lawyer if you suffered severe injuries from a car accident caused by a negligent driver.   What Is No-Fault Insurance? No-fault insurance is a type of law that requires auto insurance...

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Dangers of Slips and Falls with the Elderly

Dangers of Slip and Falls in the Elderly

As people grow older, their bodies become less resistant to damage from minor falls. This is why the elderly tend to suffer greater personal injuries and medical complications from falls than younger people. Unfortunately, the elderly population tends to have a higher incidence of these falls, partly because coordination also tends to decrease with age. This means wet floors with no warning signs are more likely to lead to slip and fall accidents in the elderly. If you suffered slip and fall injuries because the owner failed to warn you of potential hazards on their property, consider contacting a Delaware slip and fall...

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Car Safety Tips In Delaware

Car Safety Tips In Delaware

We all know accidents happen. But if you follow rules for staying safe on the road you have less of a chance of getting hurt in a crash. So what are some guidelines to safeguard yourself? Protect Yourself Always wear your seatbelt. Wearing a seatbelt is absolutely vital to protect yourself. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has stated that 15,000 lives are saved every year because the drivers and the passengers are wearing their seat belts when an accident occurs. That should be plenty of motivation to buckle up. You need to wear the belt properly, however. The shoulder belt should rest across your chest...

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Determining Lost Wages In An Accident In Delaware

Determining Lost Wages In An Accident In Delaware

Lost wages are an important way to garner fair recompense in a personal injury case. Medical bills and actual physical injury can affect you immediately after an accident, but they are not the only thing that can affect you in the long term. If you have retained severe injuries like fractures or you need to have an overnight hospital stay, you are most likely not going to be able to go back to work. And even if you didn’t have fractures, you still may be unable to work for some time. If this happens due to a car accident caused by...

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What Is A Wrongful Death Claim In Delaware?

What Is A Wrongful Death Claim In Delaware?

What is the definition of a wrongful death claim? These are claims which are conducted against a negligent party who is the cause of another party's death, through carelessness or as a consequence of a deliberate action like driving under the influence. A claim of wrongful death allows the family of a person who died in an accident to bring about a lawsuit against the person who is found to be liable. While every state has separate wrongful death laws, this type of lawsuit is often brought about by the estate of the deceased person to assist the surviving family. When Is a Wrongful...

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Tips For Injury Vehicle Collisions In Delaware

Tips For Injury Vehicle Collisions In Delaware

You have been in a car accident, and you have been injured. In Delaware, you will need to show proof that you have car insurance. However, now the other driver's insurance company is in contact with you--so what happens next? Here are tips on what to do: What To Do After An Automobile Accident Do not trust the insurance adjuster. They are not on your side and they want to pay you as small an amount as possible--or even nothing at all. The insurance company does not have your best interests at heart. Say as little as possible. Talking too much or...

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Tips for Teen Drivers In Delaware

Tips for Teen Drivers In Delaware

Teenagers are inexperienced behind the wheel and as such are not always prepared for driving safely. Here are some safety tips for teenage drivers. Always Buckle Up It’s the law. Seat belts are required for drivers and all passengers in both the back and the front of the vehicle. A driver can be pulled over if a police officer sees anybody who is not buckled up. Seat belt use in Delaware is at 92 percent, yet still far too many people continue to die as a result of being unrestrained in a motor vehicle accident. TIP: Always use your seat belt and make sure your passengers...

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What Steps To Take After Being Hit By A Drunk Driver in Delaware

What Steps to Take After Being Hit by a Drunk Driver in Delaware

If you are lucky enough to live through a drunk driving collision, you might suffer grave injuries that can put your life on hold. In most drunk driving collisions, the drunk driver is arrested and charged with a DUI. However, in Delaware, you can also file a civil lawsuit against the negligent driver that injured you so that you can seek compensation for your medical costs. When dealing with the criminal case, you should keep a number of things in mind. Here are some important steps to take after this kind of accident occurs. DUI Victim Checklist The aftermath of a car accident...

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How to Handle the Outcome of a Camping Accident This Fall

How to Handle the Outcome of a Camping Accident This Fall

Now that the fall season is around the corner, families and friends across the United States are preparing to hit the highways and take part in camping excursions. The all-too-familiar chill creeping through the air signals the return of activities like pitching tents, roasting marshmallows, hiking through the woods, fishing, and much more. Camping is certainly a fun activity during this beautiful season and a great opportunity to see the changing of the leaves. Still, you should always prepare for the worst when you visit a campground, as some victims have found out the hard way. Without warning, a dead...

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