Delaware Laws on Nursing Home Neglect: What Families Should Know
Nursing home neglect can be heartbreaking, leaving many loved ones feeling helpless about what their options are. The other challenge of dealing with nursing home neglect is being able to recognize neglect. Learning about signs of nursing home neglect and what legal steps can be taken may make this process easier. Talk to a Wilmington nursing home abuse lawyer if you have any questions or concerns related to any form of nursing home abuse.
Nursing home neglect can go undetected when there is a lack of information about what nursing home neglect is and the signs of neglect. Exploring nursing home neglect warning signs may help with detecting neglect more easily. Knowing what counts as neglect is also important.
Two forms of this include nursing home neglect and abandonment. Nursing home neglect includes failing to provide for the basic needs of nursing home residents. Abandonment is willfully leaving nursing home residents unattended for extended periods of time that result in significant harm to their physical or psychological health.
Some of the most common signs of nursing home neglect will reveal themselves in various ways. These red flags of neglect include poor hygiene, bed sores, untreated health problems, infections, worsening health, and a consistent lack of basic needs. This could look like not having food, complaining about hunger or thirst, or not having hygiene products.
Abandonment may reveal similar signs of neglect. Other signs of abandonment may look like being told your loved one was left alone for long periods of time and complaints about not having basic needs met. When your loved one mentions not receiving enough food, water, medical treatment, or hygiene, these might be signs of neglect or abandonment.
The Delaware nursing home neglect laws explain what neglect is and what legal actions to take. Delaware laws define neglect as a caregiver failing to provide adequate attention to the physical needs of an adult like personal hygiene. This definition also describes neglect as failing to implement treatment plans and intentional abandonment in an isolated place.
A report to Adult Protective Services is required by any person in Delaware who has a reasonable cause to believe that an elderly person is being neglected, abused, or financially exploited. Reports will then be investigated in various ways to determine whether the nursing home resident has been neglected or abused. This may include interviews and changes to stop neglect.
Consider contacting a Wilmington nursing home abuse lawyer if you have questions. A lawyer can address your concerns and guide you to what legal steps you can take.
Finding out your loved one has been neglected by nursing home staff can be disheartening. Feel free to call Edelstein Martin & Nelson by dialing (302) 504-4815 to speak with a Delaware nursing home abuse attorney for a free consultation today about your options related to nursing home neglect. Our team of lawyers is ready to help stop nursing home abuse and request compensation for damages. We can be found in Wilmington, DE.