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Delaware Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Cases

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Delaware Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Cases

Delaware Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Cases

Nursing home abuse and neglect can happen almost anywhere and can go undetected for months or even years. Recognizing the most common signs of nursing home abuse and neglect may help you better detect these in your loved one. If you suspect abuse or neglect, you can take legal action to protect your loved one from further harm. Talk to a Wilmington nursing home abuse attorney to learn more.


There are more types of nursing home abuse and neglect than many people may realize. Abuse and neglect can take many forms. Being aware of the most common forms of abuse and neglect in nursing homes may help you better detect when they are happening to your loved one. Common types of nursing home abuse include:

  • Hitting or slappingDelaware Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Cases
  • Pulling an arm too hard
  • Pulling hair
  • Scratching
  • Kicking
  • Letting residents fall

Physical abuse is not the only form of abuse. Verbal and emotional abuse can also occur. Common examples of verbal or emotional abuse include yelling, using a harsh tone, threatening residents, and saying hurtful things to residents with the intent to cause harm. If something does not feel right, it could be abuse.

Neglect can be harder to detect since neglect involves passively not caring for residents. Common examples of neglect include failing to provide needed medical care, hygiene care, and assistance. This can lead to infections, bed sores, falls, poor hygiene, and death in the most severe cases. 


There are multiple signs of nursing home abuse and neglect to look for. Some signs are more straightforward and physical while others are more difficult to detect because they are psychological. Common signs of physical abuse include:

  • Unexplained bruises or pressure marks
  • Cuts or scars
  • Staff tries to change the subject when asked about injuries or marks
  • Staff members become defensive when asked about marks

Psychological signs of physical abuse include Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms like being easily startled, anxiety about being in the nursing home, and withdrawing from others. Rocking back and forth, becoming easily agitated, and unexplainable fears of others in the nursing home are other signs.

Neglect can reveal signs like looking unkempt, a messy room, poor hygiene, bed sores, and not having personal care items. Psychological neglect can look like changes in personality, mood, and decreased talking overall.

You have legal options if you suspect abuse or neglect in a nursing home. Calling Adult Protective Services can launch an investigation to collect evidence of abuse or neglect. Consider contacting a Wilmington nursing home abuse lawyer to discuss your legal options. A lawyer can guide you on whether you can sue nursing home staff for damages.


Finding out your loved one was being abused in a nursing home can be disheartening. Start by contacting Edelstein Martin & Nelson today at (302) 504-4815 to talk to a Delaware nursing home abuse lawyer for a free consultation about what legal steps you can take. Our legal team can help you take legal action to stop the abuse and seek compensation for damages. We serve clients in Wilmington, DE.

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