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Delaware Slip and Fall Laws: What You Need to Know

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Delaware Slip and Fall Laws: What You Need to Know

Delaware Slip and Fall Laws: What You Need to Know

Many people wonder about their legal options when they slip and fall on someone else’s property. Whether the property is owned by someone you know or a business, you might be able to collect compensation for your injuries. Knowing when this is possible and how to do this may help you cover expensive medical bills. Ask a Wilmington slip and fall accident lawyer for help if you have questions.


According to Delaware slip and fall laws, a property owner cannot be held responsible for unintentional accidents. Accidents that were intentional or caused by a willful disregard for others could lead to property owners being held liable. Delaware Slip and Fall Laws: What You Need to KnowDepending on the situation, a property owner could be held liable for injuries and any other damages caused by the accident.

Property owners are often held responsible for hazards that show a blatant disregard for others’ safety. Common examples include wet floors with no wet floor signs, uneven footing, loose wires that serve as trip hazards, and falling debris. If any of these cause injuries to visitors, then the property owner could be sued.

Certain exceptions may protect the property owner from being sued depending on various factors. For example, signs that clearly warn visitors about uneven footing or loose wires may protect the owner from liability. Signs would infer that the owner took measures to warn visitors about potential hazards.

If the property owner can prove that the hazards and subsequent accident were not intentional, then the owner may have a legal defense. Consider contacting a Wilmington slip and fall lawyer if you have questions or concerns related to a slip and fall injury.


Some of the most common slip and fall causes include slipping on wet surfaces, tripping, and falling from elevations. Snow, ice, wet floors, and loose papers can all cause slipping. Tripping can be caused by loose wires, uneven footing, and unexpected changes on the ground. Falls from elevations can involve ladders, roofs, and mobile equipment.

Not everyone realizes how severe injuries can be from slips and falls. Minor injuries can happen and usually involve bruises and scrapes. However, severe injuries like bone fractures and soft tissue injuries can also occur. Lacerations, traumatic brain injuries, and spinal cord injuries are probably some of the most severe examples of fall injuries.

Call 911 if you or someone else is severely injured by a fall accident. Seeking medical care is not only vital for assessing hidden injuries but also for building a personal injury claim. Consult with a lawyer about other legal steps that can be taken to obtain compensation for an injury after a slip and fall accident.


Navigating a slip-and-fall claim can be tedious and confusing at times. All you have to do is call Edelstein Martin & Nelson by dialing (302) 504-4815 to speak with a Delaware personal injury attorney for a free consultation today. Our dedicated team of lawyers is ready to help you increase your chances of receiving compensation for lost income, pain and suffering, and medical costs. We serve clients in Wilmington, DE.

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