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Delaware’s Laws on Drunk Driving Accidents: Victims’ Rights

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Delaware’s Laws on Drunk Driving Accidents: Victims’ Rights

Delaware's Laws on Drunk Driving Accidents: Victims' Rights

Knowing your legal options after being hit by a drunk driver can be crucial for obtaining compensation. Depending on the situation, you could be eligible for additional compensation after a drunk driving accident. Taking the right steps after an accident can help you increase your chances of a successful personal injury claim. Feel free to ask a Wilmington personal injury attorney for guidance.


Drivers who operate a vehicle while intoxicated with alcohol may face various legal consequences, depending on the situation. The Delaware drunk driving laws specifically consider a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more to be illegal while the person is driving. Consequences include fines of up to $1,500, Delaware's Laws on Drunk Driving Accidents: Victims' Rightsprison time of up to a year, and worse legal consequences for repeat violations of this law.

Driving under the influence does not just mean intoxication by alcohol but may also include intoxication by any drug that impairs driving. When intoxication by alcohol, drugs, or both results in a car accident, additional legal consequences could be faced by the driver who was intoxicated. These legal consequences vary based on the outcomes of the car accident.

Drunk driving accidents that result in injuries, property damages, or deaths mean you have the option to file a lawsuit against the driver who was intoxicated. Knowing what legal steps to take is important for building a strong car accident lawsuit. Consider contacting a Wilmington accident lawyer to learn more about what legal steps you can take. 


Proving fault is a crucial step when suing the driver of a drunk driving accident. When it comes to proving car accident fault, most drunk driving accidents are deemed no-doubt liability cases. What this means is that almost any driver who is found to be driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be held at fault for the car accident.

The first step is to collect as much evidence as possible by taking pictures of damages, writing down details about what happened, calling the police to obtain police reports, and obtaining copies of medical records. Consider seeking medical attention so will have medical records to prove your injuries. Calling the police is also important for having the police check the driver for levels of alcohol or drugs in their system as proof of intoxication.

Build your car accident claim with all this evidence. Consider consulting with a lawyer to strengthen your car accident claim. A lawyer can help you collect evidence, request witnesses, and can defend your case in court. If your claim is denied, a lawyer can help you take your case to trial. There are several legal options.


Dealing with the aftermath of a drunk driving accident can be overwhelming. Do not hesitate to call Edelstein Martin & Nelson at (302) 504-4815 to talk to a Delaware car accident lawyer for a free consultation about what legal options you may have after the accident. Our legal team might be able to increase your chances of compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost wages. We serve clients in Wilmington, DE.

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