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If You Were Injured During a DUI Bus Accident

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If You Were Injured During a DUI Bus Accident

If You Were Injured During a DUI Bus Accident

DUI incidences are very real, common, and, above all else, dangerous. They can be extremely damaging and lead to life long injuries. The injuries suffered can be even worse when the size and weight of a bus are behind these accidents. While the chance of being in a DUI bus accident are rare, they are not impossible and are similar in many ways to a traditional DUI accident. If you or your loved ones have been the victims in a DUI bus accident, do not panic. The resources for these catastrophic accidents are available and it is the duty of a personal injury lawyer to guide you through every step of this difficult process.

School Bus Laws in Delaware 

Under the regulations set by the Delaware State Law, school bus drivers must meet the following requirements, as indicated for their profession:

  • Completion of school bus driver training and inspection
  • Mandatory drug test
  • Child protective registry confirmation
  • Criminal background check
  • Fingerprinting
  • Physical/TB screening
  • CDSBC training

Under these legal guidelines, individuals who hold a Commercial Learner’s Permit (CLP) are not permitted by law to operate a school bus. The official legal requirements for school bus drivers in the state are intended to protect the passengers in these vehicles, pedestrians crossing the road, and drivers in other cars. When bus drivers violate these rules, they’re placing themselves and others in danger and can be held accountable for any of the catastrophic automobile accidents they cause.

Responsibilities of School Bus Drivers 

If You Were Injured During a DUI Bus AccidentThe State Law of Delaware requires bus drivers to follow the rules of the road just like any other motorist, with a few exceptions regarding crossing signs and stop signs. Any differences between what’s allowable for a bus driver and what’s allowable for a traditional passenger vehicle are intended to keep the those in and around the buses safe. However, the rules governing DUI actions remain unchanged. The same rules about drunk driving that apply to civilian motorists also apply to school bus drivers.

DUI Laws in Delaware

In the State of Delaware, motorists can be arrested if they are driving, operating, or controlling a vehicle, including off-highway vehicles and mopeds, while under the influence of an alcoholic substance or drugs. Ultimately, if law enforcement officials determine that a culprit’s blood alcohol content (BAC) is 0.08% or higher, officers can arrest this person on charges of DUI.

Due to the multitude of ways alcohol consumption impairs a persons ability to drive safely, driving with a BAC of 0.08% or higher is completely illegal in all 50 states, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico. However, this restriction has not stopped thousands of people from deciding to drink and drive. In 2016 alone, an estimated 2,017 people died as a direct result of motor vehicle accidents caused by alcohol-impaired driving. In the same year, one victim was still killed every 50 minutes in a DUI-related accident.

Services for DUI Accident Victims

For victims of drunk driving incidences and other crime-related accidents, Delaware offers a detailed Victims Services Section, sponsored by the Delaware State Police. Besides a victim hotline available for initial reports, you can also find additional resources categorized by county including connections to services including Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). While these services can help you recover, they will not personally defend you and your right to compensation following a DUI accident. 

Delaware Automobile Accident Lawyer

Our attorneys at Edelstein, Martin, & Nelson are passionate about our practice and are knowledgeable in the laws, rules, and statutes surrounding DUI-related accidents caused by public transportation vehicles in the State of Delaware. We fight for the rights of every victim and the members of victims’ families and will help you receive justice for such tragic and unfortunate circumstances.

If you or loved ones have been victimized by a drunk driving incident involving a school bus or another mode of public transportation, contact our office at 800-300-0909 to file a malpractice lawsuit today.

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