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If Your Child was Injured a Halloween Pedestrian Accident

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If Your Child was Injured a Halloween Pedestrian Accident

If Your Child was Injured a Halloween Pedestrian Accident

Halloween is one of the most exciting times of the year, especially for children. For one night in October, boys and girls can become their favorite monsters, comic book heroes, movie characters, and ghouls and march in long processions up and down city streets to collect candy. Now that the holiday is over, your little ones are probably enjoying their delicious horde.

However, Halloween is also one of the most dangerous holidays for children. Traveling at night in the dark can make it difficult for passing cars to see children, and pedestrian accidents happen far too frequently during this holiday. While Halloween is certainly a fun time of the year, accidents involving children are more common than you think.

If your child or children has been severely injured as a result of a catastrophic pedestrian accident in Delaware this Halloween, a personal injury lawyer can help you as you recover and pursue the compensation you deserve.

Dangers of Halloween

If Your Child was Injured a Halloween Pedestrian AccidentEvery year, more children are injured on Halloween than any other holiday involving outdoor excursions. In fact, twice as many children are either injured or killed as a result of motor vehicle collisions on Halloween than on any other time during the year. After all, the party attitude does not just affect the little ones. Drivers are busily racing back and forth from parties, and major holidays are often breeding spots for drunkenness and recklessness. Add a parade of costumed children scurrying up and down streets to the mix, and you have a dangerous, horrifying scenario in the making.

Halloween Checkpoints in Delaware

Fortunately, the State of Delaware took proper action this Halloween season. On Saturday, October 27, 2018, the Delaware Office of Highway Safety partnered with local law enforcement to set up the CheckPoint StrikeForce. As part of this procedure, authorities established sobriety checkpoints to ensure roadway safety during the Halloween season. From 10:00 PM on October 27 to 2:00 AM on October 28, officers covered the following checkpoints:

  • New Castle County: Delaware Route 72 (Newark)
  • Kent County: U.S. Route 13 (Dover)
  • Sussex County: Delaware Route 24 (Millsboro)

These checkpoints have proven effective in the past. Over the course of the last three years, police made 232  DUI related arrests between October 27 and November 1. The checkpoints and police commitment cannot stop all accident, however. 35 fatal accidents resulted in the deaths of  3 people and catastrophic injuries in 45 others.

Pursuing Victim Compensation after an Accident

If your child was seriously hurt during an accident the Halloween season,  the Delaware State Police sponsors a collection of services to help support victims. Besides a victim hotline for initial reports, you can also find additional resources and connections to services including the Attorney General’s Victim and Witness Program and the Violent Crimes Compensation Program.

Delaware Car Accident Injury Attorney

Our attorneys at Edelstein, Martin, & Nelson are passionate about our practice and are knowledgeable about the laws, rules, and statutes surrounding catastrophic personal injuries including those suffered by children. We fight for the rights of every victim and the members of victims’ families and will help you receive justice. If your child or children have been harmed in a Delaware motor vehicle accident, contact our office at 800-300-0909 to file a personal injury lawsuit today.

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