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Zantac Lawsuit Resources

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Zantac Lawsuit Resources

Zantac is widely used across the United States. This product is one of the most popular over-the-counter drugs used to treat chest pains and other heartburn symptoms. Although millions of people have used this product for fast relief of their symptoms, recent studies found that it is a potential cancer risk for users.

At this time, the attorneys at the Law Office of Edelstein, Martin & Nelson are currently evaluating claims from potential clients who used Zantac and were subsequently diagnosed with cancer or another adverse health condition. Contact our law firm today to speak with our mass tort attorneys to explore legal options available for you.

About the Zantac Lawsuit

Although millions of people utilized Zantac to treat heartburn conditions, recent studies found that the product was too often contaminated by N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). The FDA, World Health Organization, and the Environmental Protection Agency all classify NDMA as a probable carcinogen.

Over the years, NDMA has been linked to various diseases in users, including liver cancer, testicular cancer, liver cancer, and liver disease. Recent studies uncovered the increased NDMA, prompting swift action. In April 2020, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced a recall of Zantac and various  other medications that used the active ingredient Ranitidine.

The unfortunate truth is that countless people have used Zantac for years without knowing the risks associated with it. Some users are not suffering from various forms of cancer that may have resulted from the use of the product. Sanofi, the manufacturer of Zantac, had a duty to ensure their customers were able to use the product without suffering injuries and other adverse consequences. However, Sanofi failed to meet its responsibility and, as a result, people suffered unnecessarily.

The Hidden Dangers of Using Zantac

In 2019, investigations into Ranitidine being contaminated by NDMA began after the independent lab Valisure found evidence that indicated potential contamination. When the discovery was made, the DFA and sellers of the product announced a voluntary recall. However, the product was still available to purchase in various locations. In many places, however, users were advised to discontinue the use of the product.

As evidence continued to mount, the FDA was eventually forced to issue a full recall of the product in April 2020. Researchers concluded that the longer Zantac sat in storage, even under regular conditions, the higher the NDMA contamination level became. The longer the product sat in storage, the worse the confirmation became. Furthermore, hotter temperatures caused the contamination levels to increase at an alarming rate.

At this time, scientists have not been able to confirm how long this contamination has been taking place. We do not know how many people have been exposed and to what extent it has impacted their health.

The unfortunate truth is that the manufacturer of Zantac did not do enough to ensure the safety of their customers. They need to be held accountable for their negligence and the damages they have caused to users.

If you or a loved one used Zantac and were subsequently diagnosed with cancer, you may have legal options available to you. You should reach out to our mass tort attorneys at the Law Office of Edelstein, Martin & Nelson to schedule a free case evaluation to see how we can help you get justice and compensation.

Commonly Asked Questions 

There are a few common questions that people have about Zantac, the lawsuit, and the legal options available. Some of the most common questions include:

What type of damages can I recover from with a Zantac lawsuit?

A lawsuit surrounding the development of cancer following Zantac use can help you recover compensation for a variety of damages. Some economic damages include medical expenses, lost wages, and long-term care costs. Some recoverable non-economic damages include pain and suffering and mental anguish. The actual amount of compensation you may be eligible for is based on various details. A skilled legal team can review your case and conduct an in-depth analysis to determine the total amount of compensation you could be entitled to.

How do I know if I have a case?

If you have used Zantac, and you were subsequently diagnosed with cancer, you may be entitled to compensation to help alleviate some of the financial burdens you face. Whether you used Zantac OTC or a generic equivalent, our team can review your case and help you determine what options are available to get you justice.

How can a lawyer help me get justice?

Working with a qualified legal team will provide you with the best chances of holding the negligent manufacturer accountable for your injuries and illnesses. Without a doubt, pharmaceutical companies have endless resources that they can use on legal defense. Trying to pursue legal action on your own can be costly, time-consuming, and incredibly risky. You only get one chance to pursue legal actions, so you must be able to do so effectively.

Do not wait to protect your legal rights. Contact our law firm today to schedule a case review so we can get started on exploring the legal options available for you moving forward.

We Are Here To Get You Justice

The attorneys at the Law Office of Edelstein, Martin & Nelson are committed to helping victims with handling even some of the most complex mass tort claims. We fight to help our clients get justice for the pain and suffering they have been forced to endure. No one should suffer due to the negligent actions of a manufacturer.

Our team begins working immediately on cases for our clients so we can help them have the strongest and most efficient and effective evidence to present while demanding justice on their behalf. If you were injured as a result of using Zantac, contact our mass tort lawyers and personal injury attorneys today by calling (302) 504-4815. Our team is available to meet with you at your earliest convenience to discuss the legal options available for you.

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