302 504 4815

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Medical Malpractice Attorneys of Wilmington Delaware

We Specialize In Personal Injury Law.
Law De > Medical Malpractice Attorneys of Wilmington Delaware

Our Medical Malpractice Attorneys Are Ready To Fight Handle Your Case

The Truth! Learn What Really Happened

Edelstein Martin & Nelson is loaded with medical malpractice attorneys that have the expertise to help you establish a personal injury claim should any dentist, doctor, chiropractor, or other health care professional make a medical mistake on you or someone you care about.

A large number of Americans are harmed yearly by the same medical professionals expected to help them. You deserve to know the truth if you suspect an error in your case. Our lawyers will work with top medical practitioners to figure out whether your case resulted from hospital negligence or other medical slip-ups.

We urge you to call us at (800) 300-0909 or email us to orchestrate a free consultation and case review.

What constitutes medical malpractice?

Our attorneys have broad experience with malpractice lawsuits and are ready to handle cases involving factors like:

Birth malpractice: Failure to perform a C-section in a timely manner can lead to personal injuries such as shoulder dystocia, cerebral palsy or other fetal or maternal injury.

Surgical error: such as removal of the wrong body part.

Pharmaceutical malpractice: such as drug overdose or wrong usage of drug.
Anesthesia error

Inability to diagnose or misdiagnosis: such as heart attack, fracture, infection or cancer

Relate these issues with a medicinal malpractice attorney

Talking about experience, reputation and legal horsepower, Edelstein Martin & Nelson has it all. This is the backup they need to go up against those powerful insurance companies who defend medicinal experts who commit malpractice. It costs absolutely nothing to have your claim inspected by an experienced medical malpractice lawyer.

You can call 302-504-4815 or email our office and arrange a free consultation if you would like to speak with a member of our firm. If you can’t travel, we will visit you in your home or at the hospital. If we take your case, we will dispatch an immediate investigation. Don’t worry about the fees, we won’t charge until we recover compensation on your behalf.

Need help with any kind of legal issues? Contact us now.

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