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Navigating the Aftermath of a Motorcycle Accident in Delaware

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Navigating the Aftermath of a Motorcycle Accident in Delaware

Navigating the Aftermath of a Motorcycle Accident in Delaware

Navigating the aftermath of a motorcycle accident is crucial for obtaining compensation for the damages you suffered. Taking certain steps can have real impacts on your eligibility for compensation. There are also several legal steps an experienced lawyer can assist with to overcome barriers when filing a personal injury claim after an accident. Talk to a Wilmington motorcycle accident lawyer for more information.


The first traffic accident steps you take are the most important because some of these can impact eligibility for compensation. These apply to motorcycle accidents, whether between motorcycles or between a motorcycle and another Navigating the Aftermath of a Motorcycle Accident in Delawaretype of vehicle. Not taking some of these steps could make it harder to obtain compensation later.

After a motorcycle accident, some of these steps may not always be possible depending on the severity of your injuries. The important thing is to be aware of what steps could help and problem-solving ways to accomplish these steps. One of the first steps is to move yourself to safety and remove anything obstructing traffic, if possible.

Call 911 if you or anyone was injured. Having paramedics check you for injuries will be crucial for having this in the form of medical documentation later. Police will be able to collect information for a police report, something that is often required in a personal injury claim. Be prepared to provide your driver’s license, vehicle information, auto insurance contact, and contact information for the police and the other driver.

Avoid leaving the scene without documenting as much as you can by writing down details, taking pictures, and recording videos. Include pictures or videos of damages to the vehicles and your injuries. Write down the location, time, how the accident happened, who was involved, and license plate numbers.


Never imply or admit fault for the accident to anyone. Avoid apologizing or inferring guilt. Consider contacting your auto insurance company and a Wilmington motorcycle accident lawyer to start the process of building your personal injury claim for compensation.

Be wary about what auto insurance agents say or ask for. Consult with a lawyer before signing anything or agreeing to certain terms. A lawyer can assist with filing an initial complaint if the auto insurance company or driver refuses to compensate you. During this process, initial negotiations for a settlement may not work.

If so, you have the option to take the case to court with a personal injury lawsuit. A lawyer can help you build a strong lawsuit with evidence and legal steps. In some cases, court trials can be avoided with legal motions. Going to trial will involve a jury and a judge coming to a verdict.


The aftermath of a motorcycle accident can be chaotic and confusing as a result. Feel free to call Edelstein Martin & Nelson today at (302) 504-4815 to speak with a Delaware personal injury attorney for a free consultation regarding all your legal options for compensation. Our experienced team of lawyers is ready to help maximize your compensation for lost income, pain and suffering, and medical costs. We are located in Wilmington, DE.

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