What Evidence Should I Collect After a Car Accident?

Surviving a car accident is a major ordeal to go through. The next hardest step is filing a car accident claim. Due to the rigorous nature of insurance company investigations of these claims, not everyone receives compensation right away. However, the more evidence you collect right away, the faster your claim is likely to be accepted. Consider asking a Delaware car accident lawyer for help if your claim was rejected.
Some of the most important car accident evidence you can collect is by your smartphone. If your phone still works after the accident, take advantage of your camera. Take pictures or videos of the accident scene, your injuries, and specific damages to your vehicle.
You can use your phone or a piece of paper to write down what happened leading up to the accident. Be sure to also collect other information like:
- The other driver’s contact and insurance information
- The model, year, license plate, and vehicle identification number of the other car
- Witness names and contact information
Feel free to take down witness statements at the accident scene before you leave. Some of these statements could mean the difference between significant compensation and no compensation. However, never admit fault or apologize for the accident in any of your statements. This could hurt your claim.
Many people wonder what their options are when their car accident claim is rejected. After submitting all that evidence, most people expect a smoother process. The problem is that many auto insurance companies are out for themselves.
Insurance agents have been known to find the smallest of reasons to reject accident claims. Some insurance agents are told to deny or delay claims for unfounded reasons. You do not have to put up with this. Some of your car accident claim dispute options include:
- Filing a complaint against your insurance agent with the insurance company
- Speaking with the insurance supervisor
- Having an arbitrator hear your case
- Talking with an accident lawyer about other options
Taking the step of contacting a Delaware accident lawyer can be a huge step for some people. Consider this when the insurance company refuses to negotiate with you, delays your claim, or makes ridiculous excuses. A lawyer can point out bad faith insurance practices that could help you gain leverage.
Working with the right lawyer might help you earn additional compensation for your pain and suffering, lost wages, and prolonged medical expenses. Not only can a lawyer help you collect more evidence, but a lawyer can also negotiate a better deal.
Finding out your car accident claim was rejected despite all the evidence you submitted can be discouraging. Working with a Delaware accident attorney might make your life easier when it comes to disputing your claim. You can call Edelstein Martin & Nelson today at (302) 295-5050 for a free consultation. Depending on what happened, you could be compensated for your medical bills, emotional distress, and lost wages. Our experienced Delaware accident lawyers serve clients in Wilmington, DE.