What Should I Include in My Car Accident Emergency Kit?

While a car accident emergency kit cannot magically fix everything after an accident, this kit might save your life. Car accident kits tend to include first aid equipment and tools to escape your vehicle. Not having some of these essential items puts people at a greater risk of suffering worse injuries or death. Emergency services can only arrive on the scene so fast. If you suffered injuries after a Delaware car accident, then feel free to ask a Delaware car accident attorney about your options for compensation.
Most emergency kits for cars, in general, include things like jumper cables, a compass, basic tools, and various non-perishable foods. However, a car accident emergency kit is slightly different. Some of the items included in a car accident kit overlap with those in an emergency kit for cars like:
- First aid kit
- Reflective triangles, vest and/or cloth
- Water
- Fire extinguisher
- External battery to charge your phone
That last one may not sound as essential as the other items, but many people do not realize how vital a working cellphone is after an accident. Not only do you need your phone to call 911 for paramedics and police, but you can also use your phone to collect evidence. Your phone can be used to take pictures of the accident and to store information on:
- What happened leading up to the accident
- The other driver’s insurance and contact information
- Witness names and contact information
Reflective triangles and vests are important for signaling oncoming traffic away from the wreckage. You can place a reflective vest on people who cannot move off the road due to injuries to guide traffic away from them. A fire extinguisher is vital for putting out fires in a vehicle someone is trapped in.
Build your car accident emergency kit by including reflective triangles or cloths, a fire extinguisher, an external phone battery, and a well-kept first aid kit. One of the most life-saving aspects of this emergency kit is your first aid supplies. The more first aid supplies you can fit, the better.
In general, an effective first aid kit should include medical tape, tourniquets, petroleum jelly, a breathing mask, antiseptics like peroxide, pain killers, and large gauze. Everything should be sterile and up-to-date. Car accident first aid kits could also benefit from including:
- Burn creams
- Slings
- A first aid manual
- Latex gloves
- Splint materials
- Bandage strips
- Ice packs
- Eyewash
- Antibiotic creams
If your injuries have resulted in major financial losses, contact a Delaware accident lawyer to see what you can do to fix this.
Despite making a car accident kit, no one can prepare for the often disastrous consequences of a car accident. Consider asking a Delaware Accident Lawyer for help if you suffered major injuries from the accident. Call Edelstein Martin & Nelson today at (302) 295-5050 for a free consultation about your case. You could be eligible to receive compensation for lost income, pain and suffering, and medical expenses. Our legal team of Delaware personal injury lawyers serves clients in Wilmington, Delaware.