What to Expect During a Personal Injury Deposition
Not all personal injury cases go to trial but when they do, you may have to give a deposition. Witnesses may also have to give depositions for or against you depending on the circumstances. Having an idea of what to expect during a deposition can help reduce the stress often associated with this. You can also practice your deposition with an experienced Wilmington personal injury lawyer to prepare yourself.
Depositions happen as a part of the discovery process when more information is needed. The goal of discovery during a personal injury trial is to examine and compare evidence from you and the other person involved in your injuries. This involves a variety of methods for gathering information including:
- Written discovery
- Document production
- Depositions
During written discovery, the person you are suing for your injuries will be able to ask you questions. This is when having a lawyer can be helpful. Your lawyer can help you answer the questions in ways that will not hurt your claim. Otherwise, you may say the wrong thing the wrong way and the defendant could use this against you.
Document production means requesting documents from either side. You could be asked for your medical records, police records, e-mails, and any other documents related to your accident. A lawyer can help you figure out what documents to ask for from the other side.
Depositions are statements you will make under oath. Witnesses of the accident can also engage in depositions. During a deposition, the person will be asked questions by both sides. The other side may ask questions to try to obtain the answer they want the court to hear. This is where many people become anxious.
Remembering that personal injury deposition is simply a way to obtain more information can help ease the stress involved. What usually happens is the lawyer for the person you are suing will ask you questions. Your lawyer may ask questions afterward to clarify your statements and help defend your case.
The more questions you can anticipate and practice answering ahead of time the better. Doing this helps you reduce the chances of making a mistake or saying the wrong thing during your deposition. Depositions are taken seriously by the court and can be used against you.
This is why when you do not know something, the better thing to say is you do not know. Trying to come up with an answer could be misinterpreted as lying and that could hurt your credibility. Consider contacting a Wilmington personal injury lawyer to find out more.
Going through a personal injury trial can be stressful for almost anyone. Answering questions in front of a judge and court is not always easy. Feel free to ask a Delaware personal injury lawyer for advice. All you have to do is call Edelstein Martin & Nelson by dialing (302) 295-5050 for a free consultation today. Our team of accident attorneys might be able to help you obtain compensation for your medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost wages.